Inverter working principle

The inverter is a DC to AC transformer, which is actually a process of voltage inversion with the converter.

The inverter (Fig. 1) converter converts the AC voltage of the grid into a stable 12V DC output, and the inverter converts the 12V DC voltage output from the Adapter into a high-frequency AC power; both parts are also used. At present, more pulse width modulation (PWM) technology is used. The core part is a PWM integrated controller, the Adapter uses UC3842, and the inverter uses TL5001 chip. The TL5001 operates from a voltage range of 3.6 to 40V and features an error amplifier, a regulator, an oscillator, a PWM generator with dead-band control, a low-voltage protection loop, and a short-circuit protection loop.

Input interface part: The input part has 3 signals, 12V DC input VIN, working enable voltage ENB and Panel current control signal DIM. VIN is provided by the Adapter. The ENB voltage is provided by the MCU on the main board. The value is 0 or 3V. When ENB=0, the inverter does not work, and when ENB=3V, the inverter is in normal working condition; and the DIM voltage Provided by the main board, the range of variation is between 0 and 5V. The different DIM values ​​are fed back to the feedback end of the PWM controller. The current supplied by the inverter to the load will also be different. The smaller the DIM value, the current output by the inverter. It is bigger.

Voltage Start Circuit: When ENB is high, the output voltage is high to illuminate the backlight tube of the Panel.

PWM controller: It has the following functions: internal reference voltage, error amplifier, oscillator and PWM, overvoltage protection, undervoltage protection, short circuit protection, output transistor.

DC conversion: The MOS switch tube and the energy storage inductor form a voltage conversion circuit. The input pulse is amplified by a push-pull amplifier and then drives the MOS tube to perform a switching action, so that the DC voltage charges and discharges the inductor, so that the other end of the inductor can be exchanged. Voltage.

LC oscillation and output circuit: ensure the required voltage of 1600V to start the lamp, and reduce the voltage to 800V after the lamp is started.

Output voltage feedback: When the load is working, the sampling voltage is fed back to stabilize the voltage output of the I inverter.

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