Seven things to know about fire prevention in autumn and winter

As the temperature gradually decreases, the amount of fire, electricity, and gas used in residents' homes increases, and fire prevention is particularly important. In daily life, learning good fire safety knowledge and changing bad habits can also better avoid fire accidents. The fire department issued 7 fire prevention points to provide reference for citizens.

1. Don't use cloth curtains to block the TV vents. Today's TVs are generally thin and light, and the panels and circuits are highly integrated. When placing them, you must consciously keep a distance from the wall. Especially when using the wall-hanging method, you should avoid clinging to the wall and reserve 5-10 cm of heat dissipation space Avoid debris blocking the TV cooling holes. The curtains should not be used to block the TV vents. Once the temperature is too high, it is easy to ignite the curtains and cause fire accidents.

Second, don't connect multiple high-power electrical appliances on a patch panel at the same time. The plug-in board has a current limit from plugs, wires, switches to sockets. If it exceeds the rated power during use, its heat will increase and even cause a fire. In daily life, as long as the rated value is exceeded, even if there is no smoke like in the experiment, there will be situations such as wire softening, fire, odor, etc. Firefighting reminds the public not only to pay attention to the rated power, but also to form a good habit of turning off the power in a timely manner, and not to cause irreparable tragedies because of carelessness.

3. Don't bake clothes on the electric heater. In winter when the temperature is too low, the electric heater becomes the best drying tool. However, covering the electric heater directly with articles can easily prevent the heat of the electric heater from being dissipated in time, causing a short circuit of the burn-in machine, or igniting the covered article due to high temperature and causing a fire. Therefore, covering objects on the heater body is very dangerous.

4. Don't open the electric blanket for a long time. Electric blankets can bring warmth to people in cold winters, especially for older elderly friends. Because of their own ability to withstand cold, electric blankets have become the best choice, but improper use of electric blankets can also cause fires, so they must be used correctly To ensure safety. It is best not to use the electric blanket to turn on the power all night. You can turn on the power to warm up half an hour before going to bed. Wait until the electric blanket is hot enough before turning off the power.

5. Don't pull out the plug for a long time. "Long-term unplugging of electrical appliances not only wastes electricity, but also presents potential safety hazards." Firefighters reminded that citizens should consciously develop good electricity habits, unplug the appliances in time after using the appliances, save electricity, and ensure the safety of personnel and electrical appliances. Safety.

6. Don't pile debris on the corridor. The corridor of the community is not only a passage for residents to walk, but also a fire safety channel. It is a channel we use to evacuate escapes in emergency situations. However, many residential areas of the community are piled with debris, in case of fire, These debris will seriously affect the evacuation of personnel, and most of the debris are extremely flammable items. If the fire spreads to the corridor, the thick smoke generated by the combustion will inevitably bring greater evacuation of personnel and rescue of fire officers and soldiers Obstacles and injuries.

7. Turn off the circuit and the gas main valve when going out. Before going out, citizens should cut off the main power supply, check the power socket, lamp head, and exposed wires. It is best to turn off the household appliance plug and gas main valve, so as to avoid fire caused by short circuit or gas leakage.

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