New Chinese style decoration features Chinese style decoration should pay attention to what

The traditional style of Chinese decoration is too grand and simple. Many of today’s young friends can’t accept it. Therefore, people add some modern and new elements to the Chinese style, change the original layout of space, and inject new flavors into our Chinese style decoration to form a new atmosphere. This new style of decoration is called New Chinese Style. Then the new Chinese decor What are the characteristics of it, the new Chinese style decoration should pay attention to what it, the following paper to tell you under the bar.

New Chinese style decoration features

1, cultural background

The new Chinese style decoration is mainly based on our traditional culture and creates a home atmosphere that is full of Chinese romance. For example, we can put some blue and white porcelain, mahogany and other arts and crafts at home and show a deep oriental beauty. This is also new. The differences between Chinese style decoration and other styles of decoration. This style of decoration perfectly integrates the civilization of our country for thousands of years with the modern atmosphere, conforms to the contemporary trend, and is timeless and timeless.

2, symmetrical design

The new Chinese-style decoration style pays more attention to the design of the city. This kind of decoration design first originated from the ancient Chinese concept of “yin and yang balance”, and uses some natural decorative materials, and then through the “golden wood, water and fire” multiple elements. Collocation design.

3, spatial level

The new Chinese style decoration also pays more attention to the sense of space and jumping. In areas where the line of sight is obscured, it is necessary to use Chinese-style screens, wooden doors, partitions, shelves, etc. to separate Chinese-style objects. With this new separation method, Yuan-style homes can reflect the beauty of the new Chinese style home. Then with those simple and simple shapes, add some Chinese elements, so that the entire space becomes more abundant, not only looks style but not feel too depressed.

New Chinese style decoration should pay attention to what

1, not retro elements simply piled

The new Chinese style decoration is not the kind of traditional ancient decoration, but in the modern decoration style that incorporates the traditional classical elements, it is not simply retro elements, it requires the designer to have a certain ability to navigate these design elements, and then according to the owners The actual situation is tailored.

2. Conduct a thorough consideration of spatial colors

New Chinese-style furniture and decorative colors are usually darker and brighter, and you need to think carefully when designing the entire space. The new Chinese style decoration emphasizes the harmony between our country's traditional culture and modern times. If it is only a simple design, its subsequent effects will be greatly reduced. For example, the brown color that we commonly use in decoration is a kind of simple and natural feeling, but if the entire space is brown, it will make people feel depressed.

Article Summary: The above is about the new Chinese style decoration features and Chinese style decoration to pay attention to what related to the introduction, hoping to give everyone in the renovation of the house to provide some help, I believe we can make their own home improvement becomes more beautiful.

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